Monday, August 26, 2019

Kozyndan as a collaboration of the artwork by two artists Essay

Kozyndan as a collaboration of the artwork by two artists - Essay Example They generally draw Panoramas and insert absurd things, considering them to be the whole western notion and have made this their central theme. Commonly known as mad scientists from Los Angeles who are working on a secret formula for controlled nuclear fusion like to take long and deep breaths and dip their heads in raspberry jelly and lemon curd bowls just for fun. They live indoors and don't paint on the walls. They mainly draw panoramas and bring a distinct Asian flavour in most of their work. Their products are perfect examples of new art and the freshness and newness in their work aggravates the urge to know and understand every stroke of the painting. On being asked to describe their work Kozy said: "We want to make stuff that will make people smile a bit. These pieces so far are not so deep - we have been restraining ourselves, though some of our... frustrations we have with what we see around us peep through from time to time. There is some sort of a theme of conflict between the industrialized world and nature. We prefer animals and the natural world to people any day, yet we are wholly sucked into the modern technological world. This kind of just shows up in our work from time to time - it's not a conscious thing. Typically we just think of something that is funny to us, but then looking back at the completed piece it usually has something to do with man's careless disregard for this hunk of rock we live on." This dynamic duo is having their first LA solo show of the year from May 7th to June 4th. Kozyndan paintings have been able to convey their message quite convincingly. They have also brought to light Kozy's narrow and focused eye on every detail of the aspect of their paintings. Kozy and Dan like to illustrate anything and everything out of the ordinary. They have both majored in Illustration and have specialised in digital artwork. Giant Robot magazine gave kozyndan their first break, setting up their first art show, printing their illustrations, and selling their merchandise at the Giant Robot store. Kozy and Dan offer a wide range of artwork including the illustrations, designs, comics and photography. Their works are available very easily across the globe. There are various museums, websites and shops that provide artwork by Kozyndan. Although, it is still believed that these places can not be compared with the variety of articles offered by the Kozyndan shop in LA. Kozy and Dan are married to each other and share their success together. They work in unison and respect and appreciate each other's works. Kozy does the detailed and the intricate drawings. While she works on the backgrounds Dan figures the roles and other details of the characters involved. Then Kozy redraws the sketches in her own style and adds even her own sketches. It is after this that Dan compiles all the characters into the original background and then they paint the pictures. Both of them are animal and nature freaks. In fact they have

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